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Notice By Buyer Of Revocation Of Acceptance Of Goods


[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company's Name of Recipient]
[Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

Please be advised that I revoke my acceptance of [number of units] units of [type of goods] delivered to and accepted by me on or about [date accepted], in performance of our agreement dated [Date of agreement].

This is a revocation made as to those commercial units of the goods that are still in my possession. No revocation is made as to the remaining commercial units covered by our agreement that have been sold by me to third persons.

The goods are defective: [Description of defects].

The goods were accepted without my knowledge or ability to determine that they were defective in this manner. The goods were purchased by me for resale in their original individual containers, and this fact was known to you.

The defects were of such a nature that their existence could only be determined through actual use of the goods. Because of the packaging of the goods in their individual containers and my intention to resell them so packaged, it was not possible for me to discover the defects. I did not learn of the defects until [date defects were discovered], when a buyer who had purchased some of the goods in question notified me of the defects. I have had numerous complaints from other purchasers since that time.

The nonconformity of the goods is of such a nature that it substantially impairs the value of the agreement to me. I therefore exercise my right under [citation of local enactment of UCC $ 2-608.1] to revoke my acceptance of the goods, and I hold [Number of units] units awaiting your instructions as to their disposition.

Dated: [Date of letter].
